
Don’t Drink … Gamble!

If you like to have a drink every now and then, leave your cash at home if you set out to do your drinking in a casino. I am serious. Clean out your handbag, your money belt, and leave all money, charge cards and chequebooks at home. Only take whatever cash you expect to spend on drinks, tips and whatever pocket change you expect to throw away and leave the remainder behind.

Pessimistic? Not at all. Realistic more like. You can experience a profit following a drunken night out with your buddies and be blessed enough to catch a 25 minute roll at a smokin craps table. Don’t forget that adventure seeing that it is as short-lived as it gets if you always consume alcohol and wager. These activities just don’t mix.

Keeping your moola back at the hotel is a bit drastic, but preventative measures for excessive behavior is a requirement. If you wager to win, then don’t drink alcohol and play. If you like to burn your cash nary a concern, then drink all the gratis beer your stomach can handle, but don’t take charge cards and chequebooks to toss into the mix of going after losses after your befuddled self loses every little thing!

Permit me to carry this one step more. do not drink and then jump on the web to bet in your preferred online casino either. I enjoy a drink from the coziness of my home, but seeing that I’m connected through Neteller, Firepay and have credit cards in close proximity, I can not drink and bet.

Why? Despite the fact that I don’t consume alcohol a lot, when I consume alcohol, it is absolutely sufficient to blur my judgment. I wager, so I don’t consume alcohol when wagering. If you are more of a drinker, don’t bet when you do. When mixed, both create an awful, and crazy, drink.

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